
Verdrag tussen het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en Belize inzake de export en handhaving van socialezekerheidsuitkeringen

Geldig vanaf 1 april 2006
Geldig vanaf 1 april 2006

Verdrag tussen het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en Belize inzake de export en handhaving van socialezekerheidsuitkeringen


[Tekst geldig vanaf 01-04-2006]

Agreement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Belize on the export and enforcement of social security benefits


The Kingdom of the Netherlands



Hereinafter referred to as the Contracting Parties,

Wishing to establish relations in the field of social security;

Desirous of regulating co-operation between the two States to ensure the enforcement of one country's legislation in the other;

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1. Definitions


For the purposes of this Agreement:

  1. "territory" means in relation to the Kingdom of the Netherlands the territory of the Kingdom in Europe;

  2. "competent authority" means in relation to the Kingdom of the Netherlands the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment of the Netherlands; in relation to Belize the Ministry of Finance;

  3. ``competent institution" means

    in relation to the Kingdom of the Netherlands regarding the social insurance benefits mentioned under Article 2, paragraph 1, under a, b and c: the ``Uitvoeringsinstituut werknemersverzekeringen" (Institute for Employee Benefit Schemes); regarding the social insurance benefits mentioned under Article 2, paragraph 1, under d, e and f: the ``Sociale verzekeringsbank" (Social Insurance Bank); regarding the legislation concerning social assistance the institution designated for this purpose by the Netherlands' competent authority;

    in relation to Belize the Belize Social Security Board;

    or any organisation authorised to perform any function at present exercised by the said institutions;

  4. ``agency" means any organisation that is involved in the implementation of this Agreement, and includes inter alia the population registers, registers of birth, death and marriages, tax authorities, employment offices and employment agencies, schools and other educational institutions, public registers on real estate, trade authorities, police, prison services and immigration offices;

  5. ``legislation" means the laws and regulations on social security mentioned under Article 2;

  6. ``benefit" means any cash benefit or pension under the legislation;

  7. ``beneficiary" means a person who applies for or who is entitled to a benefit;

  8. ``member of the family" means a person defined, or recognised as such by the legislation;

  9. ``to reside" means to ordinarily reside;

  10. ``to stay" means to temporarily reside.


Other terms used in this Agreement have the meaning given to them under the legislation being applied.

Article 2. Material scope

Article 3. Personal scope

Article 4. Export of benefits

Article 5. Identification

Article 6. Verification of applications and payments

Article 7. Medical examinations

Article 8. Recognition and enforcement of decisions and judgements

Article 9. Recovery of undue payments and administrative penalties

Article 10. Data protection

Article 11. Implementation of the Agreement

Article 12. Language

Article 13. Settlement of disputes

Article 14. Entry into force

Article 15. Territorial application

Article 16. Termination

Verdrag tussen het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en Belize inzake de export en handhaving van socialezekerheidsuitkeringen


Artikel 1. Begripsomschrijvingen

Artikel 2. Materiële werkingssfeer

Artikel 3. Personele werkingssfeer

Artikel 4. Export van uitkeringen

Artikel 5. Identificatie

Artikel 6. Verificatie van aanvragen en betalingen

Artikel 7. Medisch onderzoek

Artikel 8. Erkenning en tenuitvoerlegging van beslissingen en uitspraken

Artikel 9. Terugvordering van onverschuldigde betalingen en administratieve boetes

Artikel 10. Bescherming van gegevens

Artikel 11. Uitvoering van het Verdrag

Artikel 12. Taal

Artikel 13. Beslechting van geschillen

Artikel 14. Inwerkingtreding

Artikel 15. Territoriale toepassing

Artikel 16. Beëindiging